Can You Bring a Cordless Drill on a Plane?

Last Updated on May 7, 2024 by Sharaj

Planning a trip and need to bring your cordless drill along?

Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or a professional tradesperson, traveling with tools like cordless drills requires a clear understanding of airport regulations and guidelines.

In this article, we’ll delve into the question, “Can you bring a cordless drill on a plane?”

We’ll explore the dos and don’ts, provide practical advice, and help you navigate through the complexities of air travel with your tools.

Can You Bring a Cordless Drill on a Plane?

Traveling with a cordless drill is indeed possible, but it comes with certain restrictions and guidelines. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) governs what items are allowed in carry-on and checked baggage.

According to TSA regulations, you can pack a cordless drill in your checked baggage without much hassle. However, carrying it in your carry-on requires careful consideration.

Carrying Cordless Drills in Carry-On Luggage

While cordless hammer drills are allowed in carry-on luggage, there are a few key points to remember to ensure a smooth airport security experience:

Battery Size Matters: The lithium-ion batteries commonly used in cordless sds hammer drills are generally allowed in both checked and carry-on baggage. However, spare batteries or power banks must be carried in your carry-on baggage and should not exceed the specified watt-hour (Wh) rating.

Check the Watt-Hour Rating: TSA allows lithium-ion batteries with up to 100 Wh in carry-on luggage. Batteries with a watt-hour rating between 101 and 160 Wh are subject to airline approval. It’s recommended to check with your airline in advance if you plan to carry batteries in this range.

Secure the Battery Terminals: To prevent accidental activation, it’s advisable to cover the battery terminals with electrical tape or store them in their original packaging.

Protective Case: Placing your cordless drill in a sturdy, protective case can prevent damage to the tool and also streamline the security check process.

Arrive Early: Carrying tools like a cordless drill might attract additional screening. Arriving early will give you ample time to address any security concerns.

Tips for Hassle-Free Travel with a Cordless Drill

Traveling with a cordless drill can be stress-free if you follow these handy tips:

Organize Your Baggage: Keep your drill, batteries, charger, and any related accessories well-organized in your carry-on or checked luggage.

Review Airline Policies: Different airlines might have specific rules regarding tools in baggage. Familiarize yourself with their policies before you travel.

Carry Documentation: Having product manuals, receipts, or any related documentation can be helpful if security personnel have questions about your tools.

Plan Ahead: If you’re unsure about certain aspects of traveling with your cordless drill, contacting your airline or TSA in advance can provide clarity.

FAQs About Bringing Cordless Drills on Planes

Can I pack spare batteries for my cordless drill in my checked luggage?

Yes, you can pack spare lithium-ion batteries for your cordless drill in your checked luggage. However, it’s recommended to place them in their original packaging or cover the terminals to prevent short circuits.

Are there any restrictions on the size of the cordless drill I can carry?

There are no specific size restrictions for carrying a cordless drill on a plane. However, it’s advisable to pack it in a way that ensures it doesn’t obstruct security personnel’s view during the screening process.

Can I bring other power tools on a plane?

Yes, you can bring other power tools on a plane, but they must adhere to the same battery-related regulations. Ensure that the batteries are within the allowed watt-hour limits.

Is it better to pack my cordless drill in my carry-on or checked baggage?

While you can pack a cordless drill in either your carry-on or checked baggage, carrying it in your carry-on allows you to keep an eye on its security screening process and prevents potential damage.

Can I bring a cordless drill with me on an international flight?

The rules for bringing a cordless drill on an international flight are similar to those for domestic flights. However, it’s recommended to review the specific regulations of the country you’re traveling to.

What should I do if security personnel want to inspect my cordless drill?

Stay calm and cooperative if security personnel want to inspect your cordless drill. Having any relevant documentation, such as manuals or receipts, can help clarify the nature of your tools.


Traveling with a cordless drill on a plane is possible, provided you adhere to the TSA’s guidelines and airline-specific rules. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure a hassle-free airport security experience while bringing along your essential tools.

Remember that preparation and awareness of regulations are key to successfully bringing a cordless drill on your journey.

About Sharaj

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